Meniscal Surgery

Meniscal surgery is a common way for people to fix torn cartilage in their knees. Most of the time, this type of surgery is done on people who have had a meniscus tear, a condition in which the cartilage in the joint gets damaged.

If you don’t fix a torn meniscus, you could end up with arthritis and less range of motion. So, most of the time, meniscal surgery is the best choice for people with these conditions. In this article, we’ll talk about what meniscal surgery is and what some of the risks and benefits are.

We will also give you advice on how to get ready for surgery and what to do afterward so that you can enjoy your recovery to the fullest.

Meniscal Surgery

What are the benefits of meniscal surgery?

Meniscal surgery has a few advantages. First, it can help fix the problem that caused the meniscus tear in the first place. If the tear is small, surgery may only be needed to clean up the area and stop it from getting worse. However, if the tear is more extensive, the meniscus may need to be replaced or fixed through surgery.

Another benefit of meniscal surgery is that it can help speed up the healing process. Experts like Dr. Biren Nadkarni aim to stop any more damage and help the patient get better faster by fixing or replacing the meniscus. Also, meniscal surgery can help improve joint mobility and reduce pain in the injured area. In some cases, it may take less than a month to recover from meniscal surgery fully.

Overall, there are many reasons to think about meniscal surgery as a possible way to treat an injury. But first, talk to a good specialist like Dr. Nadkarni about what might be best for you and what’s going on in your life.

What are the risks of meniscal surgery?

Meniscal surgery comes with a few possible risks. Most often, pain and swelling can happen after surgery. Another risk is that the surgery might not fix the complete problem, and the meniscus might need to be replaced altogether later. Lastly, meniscal surgeries can sometimes go wrong and need to be redone or cause an infection. These risks are usually small and easy to deal with, but you should always talk to your doctor about them before surgery.

Pre-op care

Care before meniscal surgery is vital if you want the surgery to go well. Before surgery, patients should talk to their surgeon about what they hope to get out of it and make a note of any restrictions they may have.

Meniscal surgeries can be excruciating, so people should take the painkillers their doctor gives them. After surgery, they should also avoid doing things that will make the pain worse and rest as much as possible.

Patients should also drink a lot of water and eat a well-balanced diet before and after surgery to reduce swelling and speed up recovery.

Post-op care

Patients who have surgery for a torn meniscus may have several post-op symptoms. Some of these symptoms are pain, swelling, and trouble moving the joint. Surgery to fix the meniscus can be very effective at restoring function and quality of life. Still, patients need to do certain things to ensure they get the best care after surgery.

By telling their doctors about any problems right away, patients can help make sure they get the proper treatment and have a better chance of getting better quickly after surgery. Also, it’s important to take the proper dosage of all the medicines your doctor gives you after surgery and to do what your doctor tells you.

To keep the knee joint from getting hurt or inflamed again, it is also important for people to exercise regularly after surgery. This can help improve the area’s overall strength and range of motion, making it less likely that the area will get hurt again. Also, patients shouldn’t do anything too demanding until their doctor gives them the green signal.


  • What is meniscal surgery and when is it needed?

    Meniscal surgery is a surgical procedure that involves removing or repairing damaged meniscus in the knee joint. It is usually needed in cases of a meniscal tear or injury that does not respond to non-surgical treatments like rest and physical therapy.

  • What are the types of meniscal surgery?

    The two types of meniscal surgery are partial meniscectomy, which involves removing the damaged portion of the meniscus, and meniscus repair, which involves repairing the damaged meniscus with sutures or other techniques.

  • What are the risks of meniscal surgery?

    The risks of meniscal surgery include infection, bleeding, blood clots, damage to surrounding tissues, and nerve damage. However, these risks are relatively low and can be minimized by choosing an experienced and qualified surgeon.

  • How long does it take to recover from meniscal surgery?

    Recovery time from meniscal surgery depends on the type of surgery and the extent of the damage. Partial meniscectomy usually requires less recovery time than meniscus repair. In general, patients can expect to be on crutches for a few days to a few weeks and to need physical therapy for several weeks to several months.

  • What is the success rate of meniscal surgery?

    The success rate of meniscal surgery depends on several factors, including the type of surgery, the extent of the damage, and the patient's overall health. In general, meniscal surgery has a high success rate, with most patients experiencing a significant improvement in symptoms and a return to normal activities.

  • Who is the best meniscal surgeon in Delhi?

    There are many qualified and experienced meniscal surgeons in Delhi. To find the best surgeon for your needs, you may want to ask for recommendations from your primary care physician or other healthcare providers, read online reviews, and schedule consultations with several surgeons to discuss your options.

  • How much does meniscal surgery cost in Delhi?

    The cost of meniscal surgery in Delhi can vary depending on several factors, including the type of surgery, the extent of the damage, and the surgeon's fees.

  • Will I need to stay in the hospital after meniscal surgery?

    Most meniscal surgeries are outpatient procedures, meaning you will be able to go home the same day as the surgery. However, in some cases, a short hospital stay may be necessary, particularly if you have other health conditions or complications.

  • How can I prepare for meniscal surgery?

    To prepare for meniscal surgery, you may need to stop taking certain medications, adjust your diet, and arrange for transportation to and from the hospital or surgical center. Your surgeon will provide you with specific instructions and guidelines to follow before the surgery.

  • How can I speed up my recovery after meniscal surgery?

    To speed up your recovery after meniscal surgery, you may need to rest, ice the affected knee, and elevate your leg as much as possible. You may also need to perform exercises recommended by your physical therapist to help regain strength and mobility in your knee.