Benefits of Arthroscopy
Joint pain is not unusual. In fact, it is observed in more than 70% of individuals. This is huge. Even many youngsters are falling prey to ill joints and their associated pain. It is commonly observed that many people complain about joint pain and whatnot! The most commonly affected group of people are the elderly and sportspersons. For this very reason, they are in constant need of consulting an Orthopedic surgeon such as Dr. Biren Nadkarni.
Arthroscopy is one of the latest techniques in the field of Orthopedics. It involves the insertion of a very tiny instrument at the joint area. The other part of the instrument or an arthroscope is connected to a screen where pictures from the other end are displayed. This helps the surgeon in looking inside the joint in a well-defined manner.
Patients usually sleep due to anesthesia to minimize pain and discomfort. The best Arthroscopic surgeon in Delhi, Dr. Biren Nadkarni makes two or three small incisions around the joint. He then inserts a small camera into the incision to better see the affected area. Arthroscopy has many advantages. Here are 5 reasons to consider arthroscopic surgery over open surgery.
Top Benefits of Arthroscopy
- Effective Diagnosis
- Shorter Span
Since the patient fell asleep, Dr. Biren Nadkarni could easily repair any damage to his joints. This means that you can only stay in the operating room for about an hour. Because the incision is small, there is less risk of bleeding during surgery and less risk of blood clots after surgery. Also, the shorter the duration of general anesthesia, the faster and better the recovery from anesthesia. It also means coming home early. Many people who have arthroscopic surgery go home the same day.